Relax Malam Ini
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 @ 11:42 PM | 0 Comment [s]

relax relax relax je malam ni..
orang sume dah kuar... kuar balik rumah!
aku dok kat sini dulu...
ade perkara belum selesai..
minggu ni semua serba tak kena!
darah senang je nak menyirap! 
naek geram dan bosan..........

sokay.. just relax.........
relaxx... and relax...............

aku rindu dia...

xpe.... mengadu ngan ALLAH.. 
its the best thing that i should do when talking about heart!
semoga dia tercipta untuk aku...

just relax.. and relax...

tomorrow have quiz... summary quiz.....
not study yet.. ok start to open the book.. not facebook...

ok.. assalamualaikum! waalaikumsalam

note: rindu abah ngn mak! :)

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