my heart is you
Thursday, January 17, 2013 @ 11:34 PM | 0 Comment [s]

I'm glad I was born in a family, 
neither rich nor the second officer II, 
but I have clothes to wear, 
books to read, 
do not go hungry. 

i also have friends,
neither its same ages, nor same badge n course,
i have a lot of sisters and brothers,,
although they are not my biological siblings, 
but i am very love them,

MOM and dad to the capabilities, 
to the best of my life, 
although not chanel or LV, 
but enough to make me go out for a walk. 
Compared to spending other people's money are contemptuous of other people, 
I would prefer to change lives. 
This life I love, one more time I will still be selected. ^__^ hearts

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